day 1
we create our Web map
all the person who create a very big impact in our life
then we describe each of them and the third one is what are the silent acts they made / acts they do and what do i feel about it
both (+)and (-).
9pm shower time
5:30 wakeup call
6:00 call time morning prayer then followed by breakfast
day 2
group activity (sharing about the web map)
we need first to know The Experince of other people to understand and Not to lead to judgment
Hell is the Total abcense of LOVE.
dAY 3 .
Activity question :
If i'm to die i 3 days what will you do?
a. who will be the first person whom i will seek
b. how will the conversation go.?
2.) if the last hour before i die what will i tell him? what will tell me.?
3) make your own obituary
4.) what will your love once will tell to you.? what do you want to hear.?
last session after the activity open forum.

Dear blockmates!
thank you for letting me in in your Block
i had so much fun. until now honestly i don't know how to mingle in each everyone of you
cause i don't know what your thinking about me but for me i will try my very best to know each one of you
and if you let me ahaha any way i actually looking forward to know you all better make ,sometimes it makes me so very hard but know i feel that i'm one step closer to all of you :)) help me to come out to my shell and loosen up a little
honestly i'm so glad to know each one of you and be a part in our family..
THANK YOU for accepting me.
"united we stand divided we fall." - Jay

guys i really love you so much i feel like so bless to have you. even though theirs so many differences, uncertainties, misunderstanding
i always end-up with you , lets leave the past and move forward let's creat so many happy and good memories together
lets start again, and make things better. our past make us stronger than ever